Lasting Power of Attorney
Complete peace of mind
Lasting Power of Attorney
A Lasting Power of Attorney is a way you appoint someone you trust to have the legal authority to make decisions on your behalf. Should there come the point in your life that you lose the capacity to make the decisions yourself? For example, if you suffer from an illness that affects your function, such as dementia or Alzheimer’s.
Health and Care Decisions
With this option, your Attorney can make decisions on things like where you should live, your medical care, what you should eat, what kind of social activities you should be part of. Your Attorney can only use this Lasting Power of Attorney if you no longer have mental capacity. You can also give your attorney permission to make decisions about life-saving treatment.
If you lose mental capacity and don’t have a Lasting Power of Attorney in place, decisions about your healthcare shall be finalised by doctors. They will consult your family, but the final decision lies with them.
Financial Decisions
A Lasting Power of Attorney for financial decisions enables your Attorney to make decisions relating to your economic welfare and may include; paying the mortgage, paying your bills, arranging repairs to your home, and selling your home.
You can decide when you want this type of Lasting Power of Attorney to start. It could be while you still have mental capacity, or if/when you lose the ability.
You can choose if your Attorney can make all decisions or only certain types of financial decisions on your behalf. Your Attorney has to act in your best interest, and they will keep your money separate from theirs, and keep an accounts record to show this. You can ask for regular details of how much money you have – and how funds are allocated.
You can appoint up to 4 Attorneys to act together.
How much will it cost?
To draft and register, your power of Attorney is £150.00 for each Power of Attorney. In addition to our fees, the Court of Protection registration, require £82.00 for each Power of Attorney registered.
If you’re on a low income (under £12,000), you may be eligible for a 50% discount on the Court of Protection registration fees. If you’re receiving certain benefits, you won’t have to pay any Court Of Protection Registration fees.
You can choose to make one power of Attorney or both Power of Attorneys.